Arabian Republic of Egypt > Arabian Republic of Egypt

Arabian Republic of Egypt


General information

Арабская Республика Египет (АРЕ) – крупнейшая страна Арабского Востока. Расположена на северо-востоке Африки и частично в Азии (Синайский полуостров). Граничит с Израилем, территорией Палестинской национальной администрации (сектор Газа), Суданом и Ливией. По территории Египта проходит Суэцкий канал (173 км) – кратчайший морской путь из Средиземного моря в Индийский океан.

Arabian Republic of Egypt (АРЕ) is the largest country of the Arabian East. It is located in the northeast of Africa and partly in Asia (Sinai Peninsula). Territory is over 1 million sq. km, 6 % of it (delta and a valley of Nile and a narrow seaside strip) is mastered, the rest lands is desert and it’s mastered less.

The population is 76,6 million persons (2006). 5 million of them constantly work abroad. Rates of increase of population is 2,1 % per year. The capital is Cairo (the population with suburbs is about 20 million people).

Political system of АРЕ is presidential republic.

Egypt has one of the most developed economic systems among countries of the Middle East and Africa. At the same time, in the country there are the transformations directed on liberalization of economy.

Gross national product in 2007/2008 financial year was 169 billion dollars (in 2006/2007 was135 bln. dollars), the gain – 25,2 % (7,2 % is real). In gross national product the structure of industrial branches are 44 % (including agriculture – 13,5 %, extracting and a manufacturing industry – 14,2 and 16,3), on sphere of distribution of the finance and services – 56 % (including on tourism – 11,3 %) are necessary. 62 % of gross national product is in a private sector.

Cairo supports adjustment of the international cooperation in antiterrorist sphere, supports convocation under the aegis of the United Nations of the international conference of high level on counteraction to terrorism.


Last Updated (Friday, 13 August 2010 10:33)